Learning Outcome 5&6


Learning Outcome 5 & 6  

MLA formatting was not very new to me. My high school basically drilled it into me but I didn’t know that the rules change all the time, apparently, the rules changed recently and were now on 8th edition so I had to update my knowledge. I also found myself sighting many different types of media this year so, I had to learn out to cite new sources like magazines and podcast etc. for example this was a tricky citation:


Ma, Yo-Yo “Necessary Edges: Arts, Empathy, and Education” Emerging Contemporary Readings for Writers. Edited by Barelay Barrios 3rd ed, Bedford/St/. Martin’s, 2016, pp257-261.


Yo yo, ma’s article was pulled from a book then the book must be cited but the author and titled still belong to because we are only referencing those pages of the book. Block quotes were another thing I learned about MLA formatting. I did not know that all quotes 4 lines or longer must be put into a blockquote.