
I think Lamott did a great job describing how a first draft goes, you just have to get something on the page to work with. Lamott also made me feel a whole lot better about every first draft I’ve ever made because they were all pretty shitty. “almost all good writing begin with a terrible … [Read more…]

blog #5

Here it goes 50 words.  I think my paper could use some more flow, at times its no doubt chunky. Change up some word choices after reading through everyone else’s essays. I think i’ll connect back to my thesis more, and i’m very excited to get my feedback.

blog #4

What do I have to say about art? Well its certainly not a waste of time in the slightest. The world would not be what it is today without it. How do I know this, well there are more inventions inspired by music and more changed minds, more courage, determination, and just emotion in general … [Read more…]

blog #3

What are the limits of art in your choice ted talk? This is a confusing question, I’m not sure what limits are being asked about. Id say the influence art can have in the ted talk I chose (Dre Urhahn) is limitless. They can most defiantly change the world with their project. The art is … [Read more…]

Blog #2

After reading ‘Is It OK to Make art?’ For a second time, I noticed the Southan pushing his opinion on the audience more and somewhat making EA,s the villain. A passage I noticed on the second read pushes the reader to think EA’s do not believe in people’s personal aspirations “The iron logic of replicability … [Read more…]

Blog 1

Annotations: new doc 2018-09-10 20.08.21-20180910200828 new doc 2018-09-10 20.07.38-20180910200749   The comment I chose to “follow the thread” on was on page six “disappointed arts types might be able to console themselves with the thought that not even science is exempt from EA’s remorseless logic.” (Rhy Southan.). Throughout reading this article I found myself very … [Read more…]